Don’t Get Arrested in South Carolina

Independent Publisher Book Award
2009 Bronze Award, True Crime
Corruption in federal and state prosecution is the the accepted norm.
The investigation into the death of Dr. Harry Sunshine exposes the corrupt underbelly of the South Carolina criminal prosecution system. In addition, the corrupt acts of the three largest police agencies in the state are visible.
Much of the reporting by local media is inaccurate. Local media is in the pocket of all agencies of law enforcement because they want exclusive stories. Therefore, media reports what they are told to report, truth be damned.
A red herring fed to the press is “We are looking for a white Lexus.” A witness appears replacing the white Lexus with a black Lexus.
The full cover-up is at full speed. In other words, the criminal justice community cannot afford the exposure of the real suspect: a former cop.
Prosecution and Law Enforcement Hide Truth
The revelation of truth is absent from the prosecutor’s plan. Consequently, the revelation set into motion a plan to cover up and persecute a man who was never involved in this accident.
J.B. Simms and the defendant, Charles Outlaw, find the wrecked and repaired suspect car for sale on a local car lot. In the meantime, authorities refuse to listen to Simms or interview witnesses. For example, the car lot owner is interviewed as the car disappears from the lot.
The wife of the defendant , also a client of Simms, is the second defendant. The revelation that the wife is associated with the former cop is ignored.
Defense Attorneys Are Part of the Cover-Up
Five defense attorneys hide their close association with prosecutors. The defense attorneys push Charles Outlaw to testify against his wife. However the resilience of the defendant and the focus of Simms generates an attack by the authorities.
There is the death threat letter from prison to Charles. Simms is being targeted by law enforcement. In other words, Outlaw and Simms are targets.
Simms and Outlaw defend themselves. A “hitman” is looking for Charles. Betrayal is the work product of Charles’ lawyers. The authorities watch Simms, and block Simms from witnesses. Subsequently, Simms and Outlaw become victims.
The former cop, the original suspect, is the boyfriend of Charles’ mother-in-law. Charles’ wife, also a defendant, protects the former cop. Surprisingly, Charles’ wife takes the fall for the former cop.
Corruption in federal and state prosecution is still the norm.
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