A Criminal Justice Handbook

A Criminal Justice Handbook:
The Hidden Truths Within Our Legal System
An expose’ of the system
Lessons in this handbook help persons understand the workings of the criminal justice system. Furthermore, you experience how the criminal justice system equates with corruption.
It is the failure of the persons within the system which corrupt the system. Furthermore, these shameful persons dictate all interaction when a person is arrested, tried, and convicted.
Lack of transparency is the downfall of the criminal justice system. Therefore the system has been called incestuous; a family of hidden truths.
The Criminal Justice Family
As a private investigator and a bail bond agent, J.B. Simms has insight into the criminal justice system. As a result, Simms is able to define the purpose and interaction of each member of the criminal justice family:
1) prosecutor
2) defendant
3) law enforcement
4) defense attorney
5) bail bondsman
Illegal and Immoral Acts by the Prosecution Team
Court cases reveal real life defendants. In addition, opinions from judges and lawyers expose illegalities and malpractice among prosecutors and others within the system.
Therefore not only do members of the criminal justice “family” commit illegal and immoral acts, but the punishment by the judges is absent.
Law enforcement is not immune to corruption. None of the criminal justice family members fear being held accountable. Therefore faith in the system evaporates.
The illegal acts, in addition to collusion with other family members, cause great harm to our perception of the legal system. In other words, we see a system of organized blackmail.
Who suffers from legal system corruption
There is always a victim. However, the defendant is sometimes part of the game-playing within which the family. In other words, the defendant plays law enforcement against the prosecutor, and vice versa.
Another person subjected to the immoral acts of family members is the victim of the acts of the defendant, who unfortunately sees no justice. Furthermore, the victim has a family.
A Criminal Justice Handbook
Attention to each family member and their relation to one another, is detailed by J.B. Simms. In addition, the reader will see 105 end-notes, from almost 40 references.
As one attorney says “This book is well researched.” Another states, “I wish I had this book in law school.”
In conclusion, the reader is able to learn the truth about the criminal justice system while having an eye-opening experience reading this book.
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